German WW2 Waffen SS Soldbuch (pay book) with slip cover
German WW2 Waffen SS Soldbuch (pay book) with slip cover
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German WW2 Waffen SS Soldbuch (pay book) with slip cover


3 in stock

UPC: 682962445237

SKU: 691 Categories: ,

Reproduced directly from the originals

Expertly Handcrafted Replica

Sharp interior printing

Authentic cover materials

Real cloth tape bindings

Great for the reinactor or to add to your collection

Soldbuch cases were a private purchase item

Ours are made from matching or similar cover stock, with hot-stamped, embossed lettering


0130-004-003   b

0130-004-103    c


Additional Information
Weight 0.00000000 kg
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